Friday, December 11, 2009

Glype youtube plugin

My modified version of youtube plugin: /***************************************************************** * Override options for this site ******************************************************************/ // Increase timeout to 60 minutes $toSet[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT] = 0; // Strip javascript to simplify the page and stop existing javascript intefering //$options['stripJS'] = false; //dont need this /***************************************************************** * Pre-parsing applied BEFORE main proxy parser ******************************************************************/ function preParse($input, $type) { switch ( $type ) { case 'html': if(preg_match('/"t"\: "([-a-zA-Z0-9_]{43})/',$input,$tValue)) { define('T_VALUE',$tValue[1]); } if(preg_match('/"video_id"\: "([-a-zA-Z0-9_]{11})/',$input,$videoId)) { define('VIDEO_ID',$videoId[1]); } // Remove noscript message $input = preg_replace('#\Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe.*?\<\/noscript\>#s', '', $input, 1); $input = preg_replace('#var\sfo\s\=\swriteMoviePlayer\(\"watch-player-div\", false, null, null, \"100%\", \"100%\"\) \;#', '', $input, 1); $input = preg_replace('#document.write\(\'Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe.*? \<\/a\>.\'\)\;#s', '', $input, 1); $input = preg_replace('*?\<\/script\>#s', '', $input, 1); $input = preg_replace('#\
#s', '', $input, 1); $input = preg_replace('#\
#s', '', $input, 1); break; } return $input; } /***************************************************************** * Post-parsing applied AFTER main proxy parser. ******************************************************************/ function postParse($input, $type) { switch ( $type ) { // Apply changes to HTML documents case 'html': // Check we have a video to show and if not, return unchanged if ( ! defined('VIDEO_ID') || ! defined('T_VALUE') ) { return $input; } // Create URL to mediaplayer $mediaPlayerUrl = GLYPE_URL . '/plugins/player.swf'; // Generate URL to flv file and preview image through proxy script $flvUrl = rawurlencode(proxifyURL(sprintf('', VIDEO_ID, T_VALUE))); $imgUrl = rawurlencode(proxifyURL(sprintf('', VIDEO_ID))); // Generate HTML for the flash object with our new FLV URL $html = << OUT; // Add our own player into the player div $input = preg_replace('#
#', '
' . $html, $input, 1); break; } return $input; } ?>

Monday, September 28, 2009 is not down

The website is actually blocked. To be able to enter the website, edit the hosts file which is located in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

look for: localhost

add this line after localhost above.

*if you cant save it, remove the read-only attribute of the file properties first.
attrib -r hosts

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to make xfire detect games manually

This instructions shows how to detect Left4Dead game in your pc if it is the non-steam version.
1. Edit the xfire_games.ini file which resides in your xfire installation folder eg. C:\Program Files\Xfire
2. Search for the game reference eg. Left4Dead under code number 5633 and edit the gamepath to point correctly as per your current installation which is the launcherpath and detectexe:

LongName=Left 4 Dead

Note: You dont need to change the launcherdirkey registry as it does nothing as far as im concern.
3. Run your xfire.
4. Go to Tools>Options>Games>Not Installed>Left4Dead
5. Select Manual Setup and browse to your correct gamepath
6. I add this extra command line parameter so that l4d loads faster:
-console -novid +sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0 +sv_lan 1
7. Press Apply. If you get into some error, your gamepath is incorrect or you didnt do step 2 above.

You might need to edit the xfire_games.ini over and over again each time xfire updates itself.