Wednesday, December 26, 2007

How to solve 3x3x3 rubik's cube

F = Turn front side of cube clockwise
U = Turn top side of cube clockwise
R = Turn right side of cube clockwise
L = Turn left side of cube clockwise
i = Turn the side of cube anticlockwise

1. Solve the front face centres and align the cross with side centres
2. Solve the side angles to match face colors and side centre colors
3. Once front side is solved, turn the solved side downwards and try to solve the second line of the cube.
To move the centre top side to the right of second line use this algorithm: U,R,Ui,Ri,Ui,Fi,U,F
To move the centre top side to the left of second line use this algorithm: Ui,L,U,Li,U,F,Ui,Fi
4. Once second line is solved, next step is to get the top side to form a cross. Use this algorithm over and over until it form a cross:
5. Now to align the top side cross color with the second line centres, at least there will be 2 sides which top side is correctly aligned with the second line.
If the correct side are opposite to each other use this algorithm:
If the correct sides are next to each other, hold the correct side one opposite and the other on the left hand side. Use the same algorithm as above.
6. Next step is to ensure that the top side corners are in place correctly at its place but not necessarily have the correct color on top side.
Find one corner which is correct and hold it so that it would be on the bottom right of the top face. Use this algorithm over and over to get them correct:
If no corners are correct use the above algorithm to get one side corrected.
7. Once the corners of the top face is at the correct place, hold the uncorrected corner on the bottom right hand corner of the top side and use this algorithm to solve the uncorrected top corners:
Turn the top side of the uncorrected corner and place it on the bottom right hand corner and do the same algorithm again. DO NOT FORGET THE 'D' when you do the algorithm above.

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